Triple Tee Adventures

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_tta_tabs][vc_tta_section title=”Overview” tab_id=”1535449709477-7adc10c5-a663″][vc_column_text]Lake Mburo National Park is a compact gem, located conveniently close to the highway that connects Kampala to the parks of western Uganda. It is the smallest of Uganda’s savannah national parks and underlain by ancient Precambrian metamorphic rocks which date back more than 500 million years. It is home to 350 bird species as well as zebra, impala, eland, buffalo, oribi, Defassa waterbuck, leopard, hippo, hyena, topi and reedbuck.

Together with 13 other lakes in the area, Lake Mburo forms part of a 50km-long wetland system linked by a swamp. Five of these lakes lie within the park’s borders. Once covered by open savanna, Lake Mburo National Park now contains much woodland as there are no elephants to tame the vegetation. In the western part of the park, the savanna is interspersed with rocky ridges and forested gorges while patches of papyrus swamp and narrow bands of lush riparian woodland line many lakes.

Lake Mburo National Park is a very special place; every part of it is alive with variety, interest and colour. The attractive 158 square miles acacia-dotted savanna of Olea and Boscia is home to 68 mammal species. The Park contains an extensive area of wetland and harbors several species of mammals not found anywhere else in Uganda, including zebra and impala. The 315 bird species include the rare Shoebill Stork and African Finfoot.

Lake Mburo has a varied mosaic of habitats and landscapes: forests, rich acacia tree valleys, grass lands and seasonal and permanent swamps. The park is with 370 square km the smallest of Uganda’s Savannah national parks.

The main lake of the park is Lake Mburo. Here you can see many hippos wallowing in the water and the large crocodiles lurking on the shores. Birds include cormorant, fish eagle, pelican, heron and many more.

Lake Mburo National Park is situated in Mbarara district. It is about 3.5 hours drive from Kampala road, making it the closest national park to Kampala. Therefore Mburo Safari lodge is strategically located for all the attractions in southwestern Uganda.

It is about 20 minutes drive from either gates to Mburo Safari Lodge. Be prepared to see much wildlife on your way![/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Activities” tab_id=”1535449709555-6ab11dc4-fdd8″][vc_column_text]

Birding in Lake Mburo National Park

Lake Mburo’s key birding spots include swampy valleys and viewing platforms near the salt licks and in the forest. Species found at these locations include the Rufous-bellied Heron, Bateleur, Coqui Francolin, Grey Crowned Crane, Black-bellied Bustard and Brown-chested Lapwing.
Launch Trips in Lake Mburo
The wildlife-rich eastern banks of Lake Mburo can be explored during a tranquil two-hour boat voyage. Keep an eye out for crocodiles, buffalo, and hippos as well as colorful Kingfishers, magnificent Fish Eagles and Hammerkops with their enormous nests.
Game Drives in Lake Mburo
The network of game tracks in the east of the park passes a variety of landscape features including acacia woodland, wetlands, grassy hillsides, rock outcrops and seasonally flooded valley floors.
Horseback safaris in Lake Mburo

Horseback safaris are an exciting way to view wildlife including eland and buffalo. Also commonly sighted are warthog, topi, impala, duiker, bushbuck, waterbuck and zebra.


Hiking and Nature Walks in Lake Mburo
Unusually, the whole park is open to walkers as long as they are accompanied by a ranger guide. Locations include the salt lick at Rwonyo, the lake’s banks, Rubanga Forest and a hilltop with gorgeous lake views.
Sport Fishing in Lake Mburo
Lake Mburo contains around six species of fish, with tilapia being the most common. The designated fishing spot is at Mazinga.

[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Location” tab_id=”1535450406769-17185bd9-84b2″][vc_column_text]Lake Mburo National Park lies between Masaka and Mbarara in western Uganda, 228km (3½ hours) from Kampala.
Two gates enter the park from the Mbarara road: approaching from Kampala, the turning to Nshara Gate is 13kms past Lyantonde while the junction for Sanga Gate is at Sanga trading centre, 27km past Lyantonde. Both junctions are clearly signposted.

It is about a 20-minute drive from either gate to Rwonyo.

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