Triple Tee Adventures

Kibale National Park

Murchison Falls National Park

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Kibale National Park is the most magnificent of Uganda’s tropical rainforests and one of the most rewarding areas to explore. Established at the end of the 18th century, Kibale boasts 13 species of primates Including the localized Red Colobus and I’Hoest monkeys, Kibale’s major attraction Is the chimpanzee the delightful ape most closely relatedto humans than to any other living creature. These can be seen swinging in tree branches as one treks through the forest nails. While you enjoy your tour in this sunny side of nature, you have a life opportunity to sight over 300 birds. lt also includes mammals like the elusive forest elephant, buffalo, giant forest hog and half a dozen antelope species thereby making it one of the most stunning parks in Uganda. Situated Ideally In the heart of the Tooro Kingdom in Western Uganda near Fort portal, the park lies close to the tranquil Ndali-Kasenda crater area and is within a half days drive of Queen Elizabeth. Rwenzori Mountains and Semuliki National Parks. The park became a government Forest Reserve in the early 1940s.

The people Living around the park today are mainly Batooro (the indigenous people) and the bakiga (Immigrants) from the densely populated South-western part of Uganda. The Batooro take pride In the cultural heritage of their kingdom, a scion of the ancient kingdoms of Africa’s Great Lakes region The Omukama (The TOceolding)and theKingdeen embody the traditional and cultural values of Batooro white the Baklga immigrants stal maintain their tradition and culture as expressed in the folklore, dance and language


Chimpanzee Habituation Experience

The Chimpanzee Habituation Experience (CHEX) allows you to accompany *bates researchers and habituators as they follow chimpanzees during their daily activity thereby getting them used to human presence without altering their natural behaviour. This is Ml day and early visitors may be able to see the spectacular scene of chimps de-nesting, feeding, copulating, hunting, breast-feeding, resting, patrolling and displaying until they build new rests and retire for the night around 7:00pm. Advance booking Is essential.

Primate Walk (Chimpanzee tracking)

Also you can experience and participate In the chimpanzee tracking walks which starts from the Kanyancu Visitor Centre at 08 00am and 02: OOpm and lasts 2-S hours. Park guides are readily available to take tourists through this ritual. This walk Is for six persons per group and advance booking is essential.

Day Hikes/Nature Walks

This is an exploration of the park’s diverse habitats
providing very close contact with nature. The walks begin at 08:00 am,10:00am and 2:00am from Kanyancu Tourist Centre and take about 2 hours. Remind your guide to show you the naked Adam and Eve tree, one of Kibale’s unique wonders.

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