Triple Tee Adventures

Bwindi Impenetrable Forest is one of the most visited parks in Uganda – the reason –over half of the mountain gorillas remaining in the world live here – and the good news is that they are thriving and growing in numbers. According to the last Survey – there are 400 Mountain Gorillas plus in Bwindi Impenetrable Forest and here is some practical Visit Bwindi Impenetrable Forest – Information – Tips – Advice.

Most visitors who come here, come for Gorilla Trekking, there is however much more to this ancient – primeval rainforest – this is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

One could spend many days  on a Bwindi Impenetrable Forest Safari  – this is  one of the most fantastic places in all of Africa – not to be found elsewhere – Bwindi Forest is simply unique and has much more to offer than the magnificent Mountain Gorillas

Bwindi Impenetrable Forest is one of the oldest Afro-Montane Forests in East Africa, it survived the platonic shift that created the Albertine Rift that is all around it – It is thought that Bwindi Impenetrable Forest may have been inhabited 370,000 – 400,000 years ago by the Batwa People, the original people of the Rainforest.

Due to its age, one can see plants and trees here, that are not found elsewhere.  Bwindi Impenetrable Forest is a hidden pearl in Uganda awaiting to be discovered by you, though many come here, the focus is gorilla tracking the magic and wonder of the ancient forest are missed.  This 128 square mile park has much to offer – there are many activities that one can partake in, amazing scenery, plants, wildlife, birds, primates, the list is endless.

Bwindi Impenetrable Forest is one of the most bio-diverse forests in Africa with one of the best ecosystems on the Continent.

Here you can find 160 species of trees, over 100 species of ferns, over 1000 flowering plants, and Afro-montane vegetation that is simply incredible. It is located in southwestern Uganda and some of it along the border with the Democratic Republic – Bwindi Impenetrable Forest is the source of many rivers, there are pristine creeks, waterfalls, sights beautiful to behold.

The Bwindi Impenetrable forest is at the edge of the Western Rift Valley in the highest part of what is referred to as the Kigezi Highlands.  The altitudes of the park range from 1,190 to 2,067 meters, though Bwindi has a tropical climate which can range from 7 degrees Celsius at night to 27 degrees Celsius during the day.

Here at Bwindi you can find over 120 species of mammals including Primates such as the Mountain Gorillas, Chimpanzees, Black and White Colobus, Red-Tailed Guenon,Vervet Monkeys, L’Hoest’s Guenon, Baboons, Nocturnal Prosimians, Forest Elephants (hairier, smaller, smaller tusks, 1 extra toe on each foot), small antelopes such as Duikers, Bush pigs, Giant Forest Hogs, several small species of Cats.

A Birder’s Paradise with 348 species of birds including the African Green Broadbill and Shelley’s Crimson-wing. Other birds include the Francolin, Cinnamon-chested Bee-eaters, Green Tinkerbird, Mountain and Yellow-streaked Greenbuls, Mountain Masked and Chestnut –throated Apalises, Red-faced Woodland Warbler, White-browed Crombec, Ruwenzori Batis and White-tailed fly-catcher among others.  ,

220 species of butterflies, 27 species of frogs, chameleons, geckos – there is simply a lot of Discovery awaiting you at Bwindi Impenetrable Forest.



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