Triple Tee Adventures

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_tta_tabs][vc_tta_section title=”Overview” tab_id=”1535521697527-41ca6f14-16d5″][vc_column_text]Rwenzori Mountains National Park is located in southwestern Uganda on the east side of the western (Albertine) African rift valley. It lies along Uganda’s border with the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and borders the DRC’s Virunga National Park. It is situated in the Bundibugyo, Kabarole, and Kasese districts,

Rwenzori Mountains National Park was established in 1991. It was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1994 because of its outstanding natural beauty.

Almost 1,000 km2 (386 sq mi) in size, the park has Africa’s third highest mountain peak and many waterfalls, lakes, and glaciers. The park is known for its beautiful plant life.

The park comprises most of the centre and eastern half of the Rwenzori Mountains. The Rwenzori Mountain is the highest mountain range in the whole of Africa with Africa’s third highest mountain peak, 6 glacial peaks: Mount Speke, Mount Stanley, Mount Gessi, Mount Emin Pasha, Mount Luigi da Savoia as well as Mount Baker. The main peaks can be probably compared to those of Kilimanjaro and Mount Kenya. The park has glaciers, snowfields, waterfalls, and lakes and is one of Africa’s most beautiful mountain areas.

The national park hosts 70 mammals and 217 bird species including 19 Albertine Rift endemics, as well as some of the world’s rarest vegetation

The Rwenzoris – the fabled Mountains of the Moon – lie in western Uganda along the Uganda-Congo border. The equatorial snow peaks include the third highest point in Africa, while the lower slopes are blanketed in moorland, bamboo and rich, moist montane forest. Huge tree-heathers and colorful mosses are draped across the mountainside with giant lobelias and “everlasting flowers”, creating an enchanting, fairytale scene.

The Rwenzoris are a world-class hiking and mountaineering destination. A nine- to twelve-day trek will get skilled climbers to the summit of Margherita – the highest peak – though shorter, non-technical treks are possible to scale the surrounding peaks.

How to get to the Mountain Rwenzori National Park.

The journey from Kampala to Kasese will take you about 5 hours and a half if you take the public means by bus. Most bus parks can be found in and around Kampala like Link Buses which takes that route. It could take you about that same time if you are travelling privately in your own car though a four wheel drive vehicle is advisable since western Uganda is mountainous. However you can take only about an hour and a half if you used a plane. Contact your tourism company to book a flight to Kasese. Your first stop will be Fort Portal from where you will travel south to Kasese. From Mubuku, it is 15 minutes in the north of Kasese; you can organize transport means after passing the Bugoye power plant to the gate. Porters, guides and other people to help you will be easily availed to you.[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Activities” tab_id=”1535521697627-8976e9ba-05c9″][vc_column_text]Birding

There are also birding opportunities in Rwenzori and are mostly found in montane forest, some of the few species are found in the unreceptive world of the high Rwenzori. Some of the bird species include; the bee eaters, sun birds, Robins, Barbets and these are some of 217 species found in Rwenzori Mountain National park.

The Ruboni Community Camp

You can discover the passive farming village of Ruboni which is home to over 2000 Bakonzo found in the foothills of the Rwenzoris. You can as well walk with the villagers as they show their daily activities from caring for their animals and crops to organising meals with the freshest ingredients.

The nature and hiking walks in Rwenzori Mountains

This park also gives an opportunity for the nature walks in the central circult zone. These trails also include; trails to Lake Mahooma and Buraco chimp forest. The walks through the communities of Kichamba to arrive at the Karangura ridge and the hike to Bundibugo

 Mountain /Volcano climbing

Keen climbers can choose between two scenic routes to the top of the Rwenzoris – Africa’s third highest peak! The trails pass glacial lakes, gorgeous viewpoints, dramatic mountain passes and lush valleys.

Cultural encounters

Walk with Bakonzo villagers through their homesteads in the foothills of the Rwenzoris as they demonstrate their daily activities, from tending to their animals and crops, to preparing meals with the freshest ingredients. See cultural dances, traditional costumes and hear their fascinating folklore


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